
  • Feeling uneasy in your home or your office?
  • Having insomnia or difficulty focusing?
  • Lacking energy and life force?
  • Ever wondered why one room in your house never gets used?

You may be sleeping or working on a geopathic stress line and not know it!

We now understand that we can change our brainwaves through meditation, positive thinking, and prayer. We can also change the brain waves of our living environment through the use of dowsing for negative earth rays and create a peaceful space that is uplifting, warm, cozy, friendly, and serene as opposed to stay in a cold, unpleasant, and draining space.

The vibrations of the magnetic field of the earth (also described as geomagnetic field) affect us negatively or positively.  Some people are more sensitive than others but even if you don’t feel this energy, it is still affecting you. We know now that everything is energy. Therefore, environmental energies affect our body energy field. Children are especially sensitive to these energies and studies show they play a role in the diagnoses of ADD, autism, SIDS, and more.

Dowsing your home or your office for negative earth rays is an effective technique to clear your space from geomagnetic pollution and environmental energies. It brings harmony back into your environment, gives a deep sense of well being and contentedness. Raising the energy level of your space empowers you to transform and improves your life, your health, your career and your relationships. Dowsing can treat sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, frequent headaches, stress, inability to heal, allergies, ADD, depression, general feelings of malaise, in some cases infertility and more.

Create a sacred space in your own home. You won’t need to travel to Tibet to recharge and rejuvenate.

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The information provided on this website and the results are intended for educational purposes only. They are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure any physical or psychological illness whatsoever. Please consult your medical provider for any health issue you may have.
BASIC Diamond Dowsing seminar with Sabine


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